2 lbs tritip or flank steak, thinly sliced
1 Korean BBQ sauce
3 garlic cloves, minced
1/3 cup pear, freshly ground
1 tablespoon sesame seeds
In large bowl, place thinly sliced tri-tip or flank steak (I always use tri-tip but if you can't find it in your area, go with flank steak. I am sure it will taste great!).
In separate bowl, mix in the BBQ sauce, garlic, pear, and sesame seeds well. Pour the sauce over the beef. Stir the beef until it is soaked in the sauce. Cover and let marinade over night in the fridge.
Grill the meat on briquet grill according to your liking. Serve with rice and lettuce for wraps. (The traditional way to eat Korean BBQ is to wrap a little bit of rice, meat, and pepper paste in a lettuce (green leaf works great). It is SO delicious!!)
it looks delicious!cool!i love it!AV,無碼,a片免費看,自拍貼圖,伊莉,微風論壇,成人聊天室,成人電影,成人文學,成人貼圖區,成人網站,一葉情貼圖片區,色情漫畫,言情小說,情色論壇,臺灣情色網,色情影片,色情,成人影城,080視訊聊天室,a片,A漫,h漫,麗的色遊戲,同志色教館,AV女優,SEX,咆哮小老鼠,85cc免費影片,正妹牆,ut聊天室,豆豆聊天室,聊天室,情色小說,aio,成人,微風成人,做愛,成人貼圖,18成人,嘟嘟成人網,aio交友愛情館,情色文學,色情小說,色情網站,情色,A片下載,嘟嘟情人色網,成人影片,成人圖片,成人文章,成人小說,成人漫畫,視訊聊天室,性愛,a片,AV女優,聊天室,情色